Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Global Management

Being from the United States we tend to think that we are the world and are self sufficient in a way. This is not the case; the outside world is growing at a significant rate and competing and beating the United States in many areas. It is evident now that the future lies in global affairs. We might not realize it now at a young age, but international affairs will soon have a huge impact on our lives. As stated by Bud Rock, “Whether you are studying international affairs or nursing or education, business, environment, any discipline will involve global comparison and global engagement. Even if you are undecided today, you can be assured that global issues will impact you in the future.” There is no hiding from the fact that you will be faced with issues dealing with global affairs. Global management and diversity go hand in hand. To be aware of others’ cultures and/or religions will really help your understanding of the world outside the United States. By learning about other peoples’ cultures while here at ASU, our ability to deal with international affairs will benefit. Bud Rock goes on to list that sustainability is an imperative of global engagement. Sustainability “involves meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future world generations to meet their needs.” This is a major issue that nations are dealing with in terms of global affairs. We have to see economic growth as an entire world without sacrificing the environment. This is one of the many challenges our world faces in this day and age. ASU’s global management program, and its diversity will prepare you to meet these challenges that face the entire world.


Yelenis said...

I agree that we all must be aware of the importance of global affairs in the world today, because it is an important factor in today's society.

Sladjana said...

I agree that learning about other people’s cultures helps us learn more about what is happening or what already happened in some other country or state. Also, some of the things that are happening in U.S. are also happening in other countries, such as the bad economy.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Most people just worry about what is going on the United States because it effects them. In reality all countries around the globe effect you. It is very important to be aware of global affairs.

CupofToast said...

I completely agree. Living in the USA we get an ego that we are the only country out there. When in reality there are hundreds of other countries that are coexisting in our world. By being more aware we become more effective.

K3NY4N PR1NC3SS said...

Its very true that international affairs are going to be a very big thing in our futures

yenjen said...

I agree that we need to think more then just our own country